Tomislav Erhard-Pacovski

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Creative diary

I’m pursuing music and art primarily because of my genuine love and passion for creativity and the freedom this brings along. I don’t necessarily mean the artistic freedom or freedom of expression here, but the more room for managing your time than in other occupations, frequently governed by deadlines, bustle, and stress. Of course, there are plenty of this in creative vocations as well these days, at least if your primary goals are making money or getting formal recognition. Naturally, I also expect and hope for the same in my own right, but firmly believe that every artist should get to this spontaneously and under their terms, rather than at any implied cost.

Many artists are rather disorganized by nature and inclined toward what we often call a “creative mess”. I have some of these traits myself, but I always try to bring some order into everything I do. This doesn’t mean that I want to live by following some strict rules. Had this been the case, I would do something else rather than try to make ends meet through music and other related activities. However, a slower pace of life and a more flexible timetable have certain pitfalls and downsides at times.

Lately, I have plenty of everyday chores and family obligations, so I can’t always dedicate myself to music in that free and relaxing way, following the principle of “you can’t rush art”. So I began a “creative diary” of sorts, trying to organize my creative work to a certain degree. There is so much yet to learn, improve, and finish, so that is often difficult to decide what to tackle first. A matter of priorities is not always crystal clear when you’re trying to live and work freely in a non-conventional way.

Still, the best things always come by themselves, in some unhindered moment of happiness. Therefore, you should not allow strict rules and order to prevail. True, there must be some order, but primarily to serve freedom and creativity.

I will finish up this text with a few words about my upcoming creative plans. This year, I’ve finished three new materials for an album. In the last one, I finally began tearing myself away from my comfort zone of many years now. During the next year, I plan to perfect some new skills and improve some a bit forgotten ones. I also hope to start adding a visual component to my musical work finally.

Regarding this blog, more and more I struggle to find inspiration and fresh ideas for new texts. I also think about how very few read these words anyway, but this is relative. I write this mostly for myself in any case. Still, I want to make things easier in the future, before I start with the unavoidable “recycling”. Therefore, I have decided to dedicate blog posts in the next year to artists who always inspired me, not only with their music and art but also with their modus operandi and life philosophy.

So much for now. Happy holidays!