Tomislav Erhard-Pacovski

musician / composer

Tomislav Erhard-Pacovski. Musician and composer from Osijek, Croatia.

The best free Kontakt instruments in 2019.

Exploring the free Kontakt instruments is a fun pastime from which I’m abstaining rather successfully for some time now due to several reasons. First of all, I always try to get the most out of my now rather substantial collection of commercial titles before trying out anything else. Also, led by the notion of “the less is more”, sometimes I deliberately aim to limit my options when choosing a sound palette. Furthermore, in most cases, free Kontakt libraries are of somewhat questionable quality and usability when compared to the paid ones. But as always, there are some notable exceptions to the rule. Here are some of the worthwhile Kontakt freebies that I’ve encountered in more recent times.

Westwood Instruments - Upright Felt Piano

The first product of this new developer is completely free, although it should be the opposite, all things considered. This is a fine example of a quality free virtual instrument without any limits or catches. It’s a pristine replica of an upright piano made by the British company “Kemble”, recorded in “felt mode”. For the uninitiated ones, some pianos have built-in mechanisms activated by an additional pedal which then places a layer of felt between the hammers and the strings. This not only makes the volume of the instrument lower but also results in numerous interesting overtones. The main purpose of this system is practical (for example, for practicing in late hours), but this characteristic piano sound is also very often used in film and ambient music. The library features a number of features that are non-typical for a free product: four different microphone perspectives, quality built-in effects, and a very detailed sampling of the actual instrument. Though I have enough virtual pianos, it’s always nice to add yet another one to my collection, as each piano has its own story and sound.

Cinematique Instruments - Klang

Cinematique Instruments is a long-present developer of Kontakt libraries aimed at cinematic and ambient music. They’ve recently celebrated their 10th anniversary and for the occasion started a new series of free products entitled “Klang”. These are born from various sound experiments or from using somewhat obscure instruments, in a way similar to the venerable Spitfire Labs. “Klang” Kontakt instruments have a unique organic sound and very simple GUI which at first sight doesn’t show all its sound-shaping potentials. According to the official announcement, a new instrument will be added to the series each month.

Project SAM - The Free Orchestra

This is another series of quality free Kontakt instruments, this time from a well-known developer of orchestral and other libraries geared toward film music. It’s based on sounds taken from the celebrated commercial titles of the company. This is not a replacement for a traditional virtual orchestra nor a free alternative geared toward beginners, but a palette of useful sound colors that may prove useful to the owners of renowned virtual orchestration software products, as well as to those just starting to build their sound collection. As with the abovementioned “Klang”, a new title in the “Free Orchestra” series should come out each month this year.

Atom Hub - Mechaniano

Atom Hub is one of the most colorful small Kontakt library developers behind which stands the work and craft of a single man. The products of this studio are not geared toward the masses but they can certainly enrich your sound palette with some unique new sound colors. Apart from a whole series of commercial products, the author also offers a number of free ones between which “Mechaniano” stands out by far. This is a library based on a piano that however sounds completely different and is able to evoke several keyed instruments as well as tonal percussion ones. Disclaimer: according to the Atom Hub website, Mechaniano regularly costs several pounds, but the registered users of the Kontakt Hub online store should be able to get it for free, if not after the initial registration, then certainly after a few purchases.

Karanyi - Synths DX

History repeating! I was convinced that the case of Clara’s Vocal Library won’t happen ever again. This is also a product that was available for free for a limited time, thanks to the initiative from Audio Plugin Deals which occasionally features such offers. Synths DX, despite its suggestive name, goes beyond the meticulous sounds derived from FM synthesis featured on a legendary Yamaha DX7. Here you will also find a whole collection of sounds crafted on a fine selection of vintage gear. This pack can even stand up to the fantastic new Kontakt libraries from Native Instruments: Analog Dreams and Ethereal Earth. Karanyi is a newer developer whose work I intend to follow closely. In fact, Synths DX had already motivated me to buy another product from the same studio and likely more of them in the future.

Music composed, performed, and produced by Tomislav Erhard-Pacovski

Mastered by Steve Kitch at Audiomaster Ltd

Photos by Marinko Šarić

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