Tomislav Erhard-Pacovski

musician / composer

Tomislav Erhard-Pacovski. Musician and composer from Osijek, Croatia.

"Inspiration is for amateurs"

Recently I've noticed that a fellow member at has the following thought added to his signature: inspiration is for amateurs. At first, I'm not entirely sure how to interpret this. On the one side, this sounds a bit arrogant and cocky (to say the least), as only a handful have an opportunity of making a living or receive formal recognition by doing compositional work. On the other hand, this could be perceived as sarcasm and criticism toward the field. Be it as it may, you can really ponder on this.

Personally, I believe that inspiration is far more important than many will openly admit. A well-known saying is that art is mostly about perspiration rather than inspiration. True, without hard work and diligence even the greatest idea remains only an idea. However, inspiration is what makes the difference. That honest enticement usually arrives in some unhindered moment of freedom. It is a result of pure love and joy of creation.

Many so-called "professionals" tend to belittle the importance of abstract and subjective factors such as talent and inspiration. Instead, they go on about things such as knowledge, skills, effort, rules of the trade, etc. All these may be important, but it's certainly not the only element of quality work. An art based primarily on these measurable principles is an applicable art at best or sometimes even a trade or craft. This is a basis for modern music and film industries, which is probably one of the reasons for merciless competition ruling these waters.

The term "amateur" is often misinterpreted and wrongly put in a bad light. Pros often speak and think about amateurs as those who will never be "good enough" at something. This is wrong or at least completely relative. Let's begin with the meaning of the word. Amateurs are those who are doing something primarily out of love and personal enjoyment. Of course, there are many of them who are not especially gifted or skilled. There are also plenty of those who are pursuing something only because they can. Think about those "ambitious" parents who think that their child could be the next "X". Or hot shots who are doing some lucrative work in a real life but have the means for expensive whims. But I'm also positive that among the amateurs there are also many great artists who will sadly never get that big break due to unfavorable circumstances.

Unfortunately, most creative works are nowadays driven by coercion and deadlines. In other words, you do what they tell you when they tell you. Which is the complete opposite of what an artist should be and live by. This might sound naive, foolish, and romantic, but you can really feel when the music is conceived with love, regardless of what various "successful" pros might tell you. After all, success is mostly a matter of luck and favorable circumstances.

Music composed, performed, and produced by Tomislav Erhard-Pacovski

Mastered by Steve Kitch at Audiomaster Ltd

Photos by Marinko Šarić

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