"Back to school"
Once upon a time, these words were a heavy burden for me. Although I was a relatively serious and hardworking pupil and student, I cannot really say that I particularly miss those times. Remembering the constant tasks, deadlines, homework, exams, and all the discomforts along for the ride, I don't envy those going through all of that today, some of them even in their tender age.
In relation to my life's choice, music and art, things are somewhat different but not necessarily simpler. Learning and mastering new skills are basic ingredients of progress and a way of opening new creative horizons. However, it is not always easy to force oneself into learning something new. Once you become more or less a "shaped person" along with certain inclines and preferences, it is frequently difficult to step out of your comfort zone, although this is also necessary in order to stay fresh and to be able to progress further. It is also hard to accept the fact that you can always start anew, regardless of how much you've learned thus far.
Taking into account everything that I've managed to "master" over the years, admitting to yourself that there is still so much there to learn can be a liberating but also frustrating thought. The constant possibility of further improvement can bring you a degree of optimism and meaning, but trying to venture into something for the first time always brings a sense of trepidation and fear as well.
Recently, I've made my baby steps in the domain of video production; something still very new and unknown to me. I'm trying to embrace this field mostly due to practical (financial) reasons, but as time goes by, I also appreciate the new means of expression. Speaking about music, in the upcoming period I aim to take a step back from my main musical love (piano) for a bit and instead turn more toward virtual orchestration, guitars, sound design, and everything else where I already have solid foundations but could do with some improvements.
The Internet is nowadays an integral part of the learning process and it is often quite incredible to think about my humble beginnings before the WWW era. Those relied almost exclusively on learning through hits and misses. I often keep wondering how much easier things potentially are for those just starting out today. But then again, with all this information just one click away, you can get lost so easily and forget what you are after in the first place. You can make many unnecessary steps only while deciding what to read or watch first. Of course, occasionally you might come across a "hidden treasure": certain knowledge and advice that seems so useful and practical that it is hard to imagine how you could go on before without them. But if you are not careful and don't remain disciplined and focused, you'll go down the rabbit hole in an instant.
All things considered, it seems that the best bet is trying to find some kind of balance. In this case, to choose between the actual priorities and the possibility of getting lost in the vast sea of information and becoming a victim of a domino effect.